
華爾街日報2009 05 01 09:41

本首相麻生太郎(Taro Aso)週四在北京表示﹐日本和中國在振興本國經濟方面﹐將專注於擴大內需而不是提振出口。日本和中國分別是全球第二和第三大經濟體。



Japan PM: Japan , China To Focus On Expanding Domestic Demand

Japan and China will focus on expanding domestic demand, instead of boosting exports, to revitalize the world's second- and third-largest economies, Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso said in Beijing on Thursday.
The two countries should also support finance and insurance trading activities to help Asia 's economic recovery, he said at a news conference after meeting Chinese President Hu Jintao.
' Japan and China are among the few countries that have sufficient liquidity, so the two countries are able to adopt active measures in ensuring liquidity among developing countries,' he said.
Aso reiterated Japan and China agreed to prevent protectionism.
The top leaders of Japan and China also agreed to visit each other every year, he said. Aso has met Hu and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao four times in the past six months, he said.
Aso avoided mention of sensitive issues at the news briefing, such as his offering last week at Tokyo 's Yasukuni war shrine, which honours Japanese killed in World War II but also some war criminals.
During his visit to Beijing , Japan and China agreed to hold a high-level economic meeting June 7 in Tokyo , allow Chinese nationals to visit Japan as individual tourists from July, and launch scheduled charter flights on a regular basis between Tokyo and Beijing in October.
The two countries also agreed to cooperate on next-generation mobile phone technology, prevent the spread of swine flu, and resume Six-Party talks that aim for a peaceful resolution to North Korea 's nuclear weapons program.

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