(CNN) -- A judge ordered the former president of Taiwan detained Wednesday on corruption charges, just hours after he was taken to a hospital after he accused police of pushing and rough-handling him before he appeared in court in Taipei, according to state-run media.

Chen Shui-bian, who according to Taiwan 's Central News Agency is accused of embezzling 6 million Taiwan new dollars ($200,000) was led away in handcuffs earlier in the day after six hours of questioning by prosecutors, said Jonathan Lai of ETTV, a CNN affiliate in Taiwan .

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2008/11/12 07:25:12


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【聯合報記者陳曼儂台北報導】2008.11.12 04:24 am


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【聯合報記者羅兩莎/台北報導】2008.11.12 03:24 am


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2008/11/12 06:37 中央社

(中央社台北20081112日 電)紐約原油價格週二一度跌破59美元,是20073月來首見,汽油價格也告下滑,市場揣測國際能源總署 (IEA)將因經濟成長放慢而調低2009年石油需求預測。

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2008/11/11 23:28 鉅亨網

【鉅亨網編譯吳國仲.綜合外電】 英國首相Gordon Brown周二呼籲全球應一致實施減稅,藉以避免全球經濟衰退深化。他於記者會中表示:「這是一次全球共同合作的機會,使單一國家的財政刺激方案(指減稅),能夠受益於 其它國家的相同作為。」

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【歐股】翻黑 受財報利空與商品價跌拖累
2008/11/12 06:35 中央社

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 (CNN) -- Former President Chen Shui-bian of Taiwan was led away in handcuffs Tuesday after six hours of questioning by prosecutors.

The ex-president held his cuffed hands up for journalists to see and shouted "Political persecution! Long live Taiwan !"

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  2008/11/11 【政大大學線上/記者林瑤瑄、李易澄報導】

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